Multicultural Day


The month of August is recognised as Multicultural Month in Queensland, Australia. It is the state’s largest multicultural celebration bringing together people from across the state to share, listen, learn and acknowledge that, while we may come from different cultures, we all belong!

As we make our way through these unique times, it is more important than ever that we hold true to this sentiment.

Due to the current pandemic we are facing, unfortunately we were not able to celebrate like we have in the past with our annual PWA Multicultural Day Celebrations. This year, we commemorated Multicultural Queensland Month by amplifying the voices of women each day through a social media campagin that we call – ‘Threads of our Community’.

Threads of our Community

A fine mat is a culturally significant item throughout the Pacific that is woven together with many leaves. It is worn, gifted, laid upon to rest and used as an adornment. Like its many uses and materials woven together, we acknowledge the many women and their roles that form the ‘Threads of our Community’.

We have shared some incredible women on our social media pages throughout August however we know that there are so many more that we are yet to celebrate! Our sisterhood is always growing and we hope you join our alliance, a culturally diverse network of women inspiring change!

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PWA Membership